Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Oral Presentation on Apr 12

3. Subby (4/12)

6. Andrew (4/12)

7. Cliff Tsai (4/12)

Action Science Approach to Experimenting Nonprofit Web 2.0 Services for Employment of Individuals with Mental Impairments
Chang, Yao-Jen; Wang, Frank Tsen-Yung; Chuang, Yu-Chia; Tsai, Shih-Kai;
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Workshops, 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on
5-12 Nov. 2007 Page(s):288 - 291
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/WIIATW.2007.4427591

AbstractPlus | Full Text: PDF(556 KB) IEEE CNF
Rights and Permissions

Homework 3-29-2008

1. Read the abstract of Paper 3, 6 and 7. If possible, skim the whole paper.
Summarize the papers briefly.

2. According to Chap. 6 of Textbook. what is a functional architecture of e-commerce systems?

3. Lab: PageRank
PageRank is a tool for measuring the importance of websites. Given every URL, there is a PageRank value for it.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Google PageRank

Install PageRank on your Firefox. Perform the measurements in terms of PageRank the following websites:

New York Times

Measure some of your frequently visited websites.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Accssibility Experiments

  1. Google Search Keys Numbers the results in a Google search page and you can type the corresponding number to follow the link. Updated: 2005-04-26. more
  2. Google Access Keys Enables navigation through Google search results.

  3. AccessBar: displays defined accesskeys in a fixed-position bar along the bottom of the window. Added 2005-04-01 (not a joke). Find how many access keys have been defined at
  4. Continued from 3, use google to find 3 more government sites in Taiwan that enable access keys.
Reference: Dive into Greasemonkey by Mark Pilgrim (free download) (in Chinese)

Web 2.0 and Accessibility

Web 2.0: hype or happiness?
Mary Zajicek
Pages: 35 - 39
Full text available: pdf formatPdf(290 KB)

Enabling an accessible web 2.0
Becky Gibson
Pages: 1 - 6
Full text available: pdf formatPdf(344 KB)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Oral Presentation on 3/29

This is an update.
  • Please read Paper 1 and Paper 17. Paper 2 will not be presented on Mar 29.
  • The presentations on Apr. 12 are also determined.
  • Slides for Paper 1, by Yao-Jen Chang
  • Slides for Paper 17, by One

Oral Presentation


1. Petry (3/29)

17. One (3/29)

3. Subby (4/12)

6. Andrew (4/12)

7. Cliff 蔡子健 (4/19)

5. Jingky 王進傑 (4/19)

8. Nicky 林英英 (4/19)

9. Raymond Tsai 蔡岳峰 (5/3)

10. Budhi

2. Sandra (5/3)

11. Jack (your choice)

12. Young

13. Dick (5/24)

14. Osmand

15. 張晏瑜 (5/31)

16. 陳境峰 cloudly (?)

18. Anthony (action research study on end user password behavior )

Sunday, March 16, 2008

by Paul Dirac

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

WWW 2008

I will be presenting a paper at WWW 2008, a premium Internet-themed conference. This year it is held in Beijing, China. The conference is in cooperation with ACM, IFIP, and W3C.

Conference Dates: Apr. 23-25, 2008.

Some of the days are off.

We will not have class on the Election Day, Mar 22.

The week of Apr 5 is the spring break and the campus will be shutdown.

On Apr 26 there is no class due to the midterm week.

Homework 3-15-2008

1. Read Paper 1 & Paper 2. Provide a summary for each of the paper.
2. Read Chap. 4 of the textbook. What is the Business-to-business model?
3. Digital goods can be distributed over the Internet but physical goods have to be delivered logistically. What are digital goods? What are the differences between the two?
3. Using RSS to track many blogs at one time.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Reflections and Critiques

My reflections and Critiques on lives, learning, and research on and off campus.
Some are written in Chinese and some in English.

Discussion points for 3-15-2008

I saw each of you complete the three mini labs in the homework. I do hope you have enjoy the processes of doing them. We may spend some time in sharing the experiences with other regarding the usefulness and usability of these tools, and the implications of them in terms of knowledge management and social media.

The business models are the main theme of Chapter 3 of the textbook. We can discuss them through some concrete examples and counterexamples in the real business world. What are the key factors to succeeding or at least surviving.

Keep track of blogs

Use Technorati to measure the authority of blogs and show how many links the following blogs have. What are the rank, authorities, and number of responses?


Paper assignment

I hope everyone of you has browsed the papers that we handed out last time. We will assign everyone a paper for you to prepare the oral presentation. If you have already got some ideas about the papers you like most, it will be easier for us to make the arrangement in the classroom.

The weather just gets cold again. You do take care and see you in the class (3/15).


Saturday, March 8, 2008

3-22-2008 Election Day

We will not have class on the Election Day. This is a preannouncement.


Handout materials

If you decide not to purchase a photocopy of the handouts, you can download the originals from the online archive. Then you will have the first 9 papers among the handout.

For the rest of the handout, the papers can be downloaded online from databases as long as you are on the campus. If you are not, simply reconfigure your computer to use CYCU proxy as your proxy for accessing the papers.

Blogging activity among cancer patients and their companions: Uses, gratifications, and predictors of outcomes

Author(s): Chung DS, Kim S
Times Cited: 0

Issue publics on the web: Applying network theory to the war blogosphere

Author(s): Tremayne M, Zheng N, Lee JK, et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Published: 2006
Times Cited: 0

Mining communities and their relationships in blogs: A study of online hate groups

Michael Chaua, and Jennifer Xub,
aSchool of Business, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
bDepartment of Computer Information Systems, Bentley College, Waltham, MA 02452, USA
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Volume 65, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 57-70
Information security in the knowledge economy

Social systems design as a vehicle towards local public e-Services for and by citizens

Author(s): Lofstedt U (Lofstedt, Ulrica)
Source: SYSTEMIC PRACTICE AND ACTION RESEARCH Volume: 20 Issue: 6 Pages: 467-476 Published: DEC 2007
Times Cited: 0 References: 39

if you cannot show up

If you cannot show up in the class, I would appreciate that you leave a notice (comment) on my blog or send me an email.

Homework 3-8-2009

1. Track your comments at a focal point

2. Using personal portal.

3. Make your blog organized by adding labels

4. Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.
  • What are the commercial values of Internet?
  • List some business strategies for online commerce.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Track your comments at a focal point

1. Enter the setting of your blog, and add a page element for RSS/ATOM.

2. Enter the following RSS/ATOM feeds

3. You should be able to see all the comments in the page element no matter which original posts the comments are for.

Using Personal Portal

1. Enter

The Google account is the same as your Blogger account.

2. Rearrange the templates. And perhaps remove blocks that you don't need.

3. Add new stuff. For now add the Google Reader, Google Docs, Google Group, Google Calendar, and GMail. You should be able to see the subscriptions in the Google Reader block of your personal portal.

Using RSS to track many blogs at one time

1. Enter Google Reader

2. Try the following

  • New York Times
3. What is the RSS feed that Google Reader takes in? List the URL of these RSS feeds.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Make your blog organized by adding labels

Labels are key elements of Web 2.0.
Professional blogs have labels. In this lab, you will learn how to put labels on your blogs to make them look professional.

1. Check into your blog homepage.
2. Enter "Setting"
3. Follow the steps to create Label Block by drag and drops.
4. Get back to your existing blog posts. Fill the blanks at the field "Labels".
5. Save the changes.
6. Back to the blog and check if the labels come up.

Supplemental reading for Homework 3-1-2008

What is social media?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

10 steps to better blogs

<full text>

Short review of Internet

Inventor of the internet technology packet switching, Leonard Kleinrock

" Dr. Leonard Kleinrock created the basic principles of packet switching, the technology underpinning the Internet, while a graduate student at MIT. This was a decade before the birth of the Internet which occurred when his host computer at UCLA became the first node of the Internet in September 1969."

Tim Berners-Lee

"In 1989 he invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing while at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory. He wrote the first web client and server in 1990. His specifications of URIs, HTTP and HTML were refined as Web technology spread." He will serve as a keynote speaker at WWW2008.


Homework 3-01-2008

1. According to the book by Treese and Stewart, what is the commerce value chain? Why not see them on an individual basis?

2. Is the Internet different from other media? Why?

3. On this Internet-based tool, you are able to edit a paragraph while someone is working on another. In order to do so, you got to have an account to login Google. Please use your email to apply for one so that you can use it now. A link to the document will be included in the message, please just click on the link to collaborate.

Please be noted that not only can you browse the document but also you can edit and update it freely. You may see other colleagues online at the same time and refrain from making updates. Please feel free to go ahead. The software will resolve change conflicts for you.
The revision history will keep a log of all changes. So your changes will be noticed by other colleagues and re-reviewed.

Convert one of your Word document using Google docs.

4. Customize your blogs.
  • Check into your blog homepage.
  • Enter "setting"
  • Select "Add links"
  • Write down "" and the title as "Web Services and Advanced Internet Systems"
  • Add your own favorite links.

Nine days in Finland
